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cantar de mio cid

Tornando ua la cabeça e catandos atras
Myedo yua auiendo que myo çid se Repintra
Lo que non ferie el caboso por quanto enel mundo ha
Vna des leatança ca non la fizo alguandre
Hydo es el conde tornos el de biuar
Juntos con sus mesnadas conpeçolas de legar
De la ganançia que an fecha marauillosa e grand
Aquis conpieça la gesta de myo çid el de biuar
Tan Ricos son los sos que non saben que se an
Poblado ha myo çid el puerto de alucant
Dexado a saragoça e alas tierras duca
E dexado a huesca e las tierras de mont aluan
Contra la mar salada conpeço de guerrear
Aorient exe el sol e tornos aessa part
Myo çid gaño axerica e a onda e al menar
Tierras de borriana todas conquistas las ha
Aiudole el criador el señor que es en çielo
El con todo esto priso a muruiedro
Ya vie myo çid que dios le yua valiendo
Dentro en valençia non es poco el miedo
Pesa alos de valençia sabet non les plaze
Prisieron so con seio quel viniessen çercar
Tras nocharon de noch al alua dela man
Açerca de muruiedro tornan tiendas afincar
Violo myo çid tomos amarauillar grado ati padre spirital
En sus tierras somos e femos les todomal

tornando va la cabeça e catándos' atrás,
miedo iva aviendo que mio Çid se repintrá,
lo que non ferié el caboso por quanto en el mundo ha,
una deslealtança, ca non la fizo alguandre.
Ido es el conde, tornós' el de Bivar,
juntós' con sus mesnadas, conpeçólas de llegar
de la ganançia que an fecha, maravillosa e grand.
Aquís' conpieça la gesta de mio Çid el de Bivar.
Tan ricos son los sos que non saben qué se an,
poblado ha mio Çid el puerto de Alucant,
dexado á Saragoça e a las tierras d'acá
e dexado á Huesca e las tierras de Montalván.
Contra la mar salada conpeçó de guerrear,
a orient exe el sol e tornós' a essa part.
Mio Çid gañó a Xérica e a Onda e Almenar,
tierras de Borriana todas conquistas las ha.
Ajudóle el Criador, el señor que es en çielo,
él con todo esto priso a Murviedro,
ya vié mio Çid que Dios le iva valiendo.
Dentro en Valençia non es poco el miedo.
Pesa a los de Valençia, sabet, non les plaze,
prisieron so consejo quel' viniessen çercar,
trasnocharon de noch, al alva de la man
açerca de Murviedro tornan tiendas a fincar.
Violo mio Çid, tomós' a maravillar, -Grado a ti, Padre spirital,
en sus tierras somos e fémosles todo mal,

he keeps turning his head and looking back,
he was fearing that my Cid will change his mind,
something the worthy one would never do for anything in the world,
a disloyal act, for he never committed one.
The count is gone, he of Vivar turned back,
he joined his men, he began to distribute to them,
from the booty they have won, marvelous and bountiful.
Here begin the deeds of my Cid of Vivar.
So rich are his men that they know not how much they have,
my Cid has settled the port of Olocau,
he has left Zaragoza and the lands of the interior
and has left Huesca and the lands of Montalbán.
Towards the salty sea he began to fight,
the sun comes up in the east and he turned to that part.
My Cid won Jérica and Onda and Almenara,
lands of Burriana he has conquered them all.
The Creator helped him, the Lord who is in Heaven,
he with all this took Murviedro,
now saw my Cid how God was helping him.
Within Valencia there is no little fear.
It weighs heavily on those of Valencia, mind you, it does not please them,
they took their counsel that they come to lay siege to him,
they rode all night, at dawn of the next day
near Murviedro they stake their tents.
My Cid saw it, he began to marvel, -Thanks to you, spiritual Father,
we are in their lands and we wreak havoc on them,
commentary: vv. 1086-1133  
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